Leão d’Ouro

  • Lisbon City Council / Shops whit History

  • Lisbon City Council / Shops whit History

The Shop

The three adventurous partners – António Monteiro, José Varela and Jacinto Franco, gave it the name “Cervejaria Leão”, but it came to be known as the “Leão Triste” (Sad Lion) for a while, until things began to pick up and the right name was finally found: “Leão d’Ouro” (Golden Lion). Despite so many ups and downs, one should point out that we are still only in 1885.

Shop History

Read the all story in http://lojascomhistoria.pt/shops/leao-douro?lang=en

Products and Services


Business Hours

segunda-feira 12:00 23:00
terça-feira 12:00 23:00
quarta-feira 12:00 23:00
quinta-feira 12:00 23:00
sexta-feira 12:00 23:00
sábado 12:00 23:00
domingo 12:00 23:00


Parish: Santa Maria Maior
Address: Rua 1º Dezembro 103-107 , 1200-358 Lisboa
Postal Code: 1200-358 Lisboa

General Data

Main activity: Restaurants, pubs, café and Hotels
Opening Year: 1885
Main Code of Economic Activity (CAE): 56105